DJ Qbert & D-Styles — Live From The Ranger Rover

Рубрика: Mixes, Releases



01. Way Faster Than Light Speed (Freestyle Scratch Session)
02. Trace-Ii W- Laser Canons (Freestyle Scratch Session)
03. Extracting 25% ( 33% H2O Per Kg Of H2so4) (Freestyle Scratch Session)
04. Green Glowing Clouds Of Jupiter (Freestyle Scratch Session)
05. Moon Based Packet Via Photon Transponder (Q-Bert Drum Solo)
06. Renting Rigid Airships + Miles (Drum & Scratch Routine)
07. SilicaDiatom s(Q-Bert Scratch Solo)
08. How Much Moon-Rock As Meteorites On Earth (D-Styles Scratch Routine)
09. Me-L1 Counter-Rotating Flywheels (Drum & Scratch)
10. The Lunar Metro Bus (Freestyle Scratch Session)
11. Operating On H2o2 — C12h26 (D-Styles Scratch Routine)
12. Humans On A Nasty Venus (Q-Bert Scratch Routine)
13. Faster Photons Using Atomic Oort Zone (Freestyle Scratch Session)

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